67L48 posted:Thanks for the replies. Very helpful.
Curious potential issue based on the comment, "If the appeal occurred during B8's at-bat, B6 is legalized, making B7 the proper batter, and he replaces B8 in the box." What if B7 had reached base?
B5 - out
B7 - single
B6 - walk
B8 - takes a strike and a ball for a 1-1 count. Defense appeals batter out of order. Pitching to B8 had legitimized B6's place in the order. Thus, the legal batter is now B7, per Matt's reply ... but B7 is on base due to his legalized batting out of order. What then? Is B7 forced to vacate his base and an out recorded? Is a pinch runner allowed? I doubt I'll ever see this happen, but I'm curious.
If the normal proper batter is on base, he is skipped and the next batter is proper, making the proper batter...(wait for it...) B8. Thus, you are in order in this situation.