At least as posted, it was not a parent who got the email. It was the player who signed up and got the solicitation.
Geez, we have posts about University of Houston getting defrauded, Rudy in a scheme, and this is just business as usual?
If selling their client list to credit card issues/banks, for a profit, is good for every BeRecruited member, far be it from me to question.
I am expressing the view that this is not where recruiting services should be making money.
Like I said, I don't have a son/daughter going to college and don't have to worry about their getting the card and ruining their credit for 7 years...which has been such a scam on college campuses.
I wonder how many will get the email, sign up, don't tell Mom and Dad and guess what happens?
I have a serious issue with the concept/business result of credit cards being offered to 18 year old by BeRecruited. This might be the way internet businesses operate. I don't think it needs to be in situations like this where a credit card, poorly used, can have 7-10 years negative impact on a college age student.