quote:Originally posted by Swampboy:
If I may make a far-fetched, radical suggestion, people do have the option of reading the terms of use agreements and privacy policies of web sites instead of just hitting the "I agree" button.
If you don't like the terms, don't sign up and give them your personal information.
After I posted my comment yesterday, I went out to BeRecruited.com and read their service agreement when signing up and searched their website, I found no indication that any information would be used by or given to a third party to solicite anything, nor did I find any indication that BeRecruited would solicate sales for a third party or allow this to happen. I also found no opt out ability to prevent getting unwanted information or solicitations.
Now, to be fair, I only spent about 20 minutes looking and was specifically searching for this information. It is very possible I missed it as sometimes the obvious isn't so obvious.....