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Reply to "Best Baseball Memory"

As a Player:

Getting that first grey blue flannel uniform, blue hat and blue and white stirrups.....A $1000 hand made suit never could feel so good...

Batting in a meaningless game and seeing my father on the hill see taking time off work meant less money for the family and wasnt something that could be done very often...

The last homerun I ever hit came in an adult softball game, which ended the game...and I was able to scoop up my 6 month old son and walk off the field...

As a Parent...

Seeing my son sleeping in his uniform...

Seeing the joy and smiles on my sons face through out his youth career...

Walking out on Senior Day with my wife and son...

Seeing my sons first and last College ball game...

Seeing my sons first college ball game as a coach.

As an Umpire...

The worst day....the one I run over and over again in my mind.. the day I realized that child abuse was real and I had to do something....

The day I heard from the stands, Hey, Mr. Umpire! dont remember me, but you umpired my games...and thats my son playing now....O Yes I remember you...and everyone of you...

The day I turned a corner in Wal Mart, and a kid said........hey arent you MY UMPIRE???.......Yes, I am...