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Reply to "Best Baseball Memory"

The game feats and tournament memories have become a baseball "highlight" film that runs almost continuously through my mind.

What makes me the happiest though is the hundreds of hours that I've been able to spend with my son, one on one, in our batting cage, talking. Those conversations were not just about baseball, but his friends, girlfriends, school, video games (I listened on this one with little to add, but acted interested!!), politics, other sports, etc. As the commercial says, "those memories are priceless!" Whoever said that the best gift you can give your child, IS YOUR TIME, was a very wise man (or woman?). As it turns out, it was the best gift I ever gave myself!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO all! Am looking forward to another State Championship (his Senior year) and next years 1st College Season. I'm already dreading the end that I know will come sooner than I want!!!
Last edited by Prime9