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Reply to "Best Baseball Memory"

well i have three try to keep it short.age 11
driving home 1/3 into season son complaining about not hitting with power,can't take it anymore i said we went for lesons and you did't listen.Iknow how to fix it you just think you know better so i don't want to hear it.[he was hitting about 300 no dingers]now we got tears and he says then you show me!you show me! as we pull in the drive. five min later we had the fix.end of season eight hr 450 ave and league batting champ.and iwas the new hitting guru.
age12 tounament at ss like always a very hard shot looked like hit then a dive and perfect throw from the knees and out and people on both teams could not believe what they saw.
still had his hear,on the way home another teaching moment.
that was the best play ever,thanks dad that was fun,we talked for a bit and before we got home i said i got tip for next year you know big diamond and all ,ok, next year you won't be able to make that throw from the knees.have to get to your feet,ok--you never know if they listen.
age 14 the greatest play i have seen not on tv. shut out going in jr high game,kid turns on one 3rd base tuns to his right one step and gone,out of the corner of my eye i see a glove then a grab from full extension then knees slide up and onto his feet and a one hop dart. out .both teams claped for that one. drive home dad,i remembered what you said a couple years ago.Yes you did