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Reply to "Bill James on Steroids"

Speaking of the change in late career players...
Fascinating article in he current issue of EPSN Mag...

"30 Is The New 40: In the post steroids era, veteran sluggers and aging arms are out. Translation: The battle is on among suits and scouts to stockpile the best young talent."

"In 2008 MLB expereinced the biggest one-year drop in average the history of the sport. The youth movement is built upon increased skepticism in the front offices about whether players in their 30's can maintain production without the use of performance enhancing drugs."

Also a great deal cheaper of course.

Now while many of you who have sons in the minors already probably know this...and I know it is idealistic...and it is already being done by some...but for the rest of the HSBBW with college age players and below it will be new territory and if the article is on the point, the trend has implications for the future.

Says that teams are increaingly looking to build internally...Scouting budgets are increasing...They are revaluating their scouting proceedures...More cross checking...Looking deeper and geting more clear on their evlauations...More are looking at statistics, not just body/physcial tools...looking more for ballplayers not just physical specimens...more/increasing strength and training through the organizations......more reliance on character and the ability to overcome in a bsaeball environment and beyond, not only talent and success...clubs are increasingly looking at stealing the best college managers...Clubs are even talking about nutrition changes in the minors.

Well worth reading.

Cool 44