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Based upon the recommendation in this thread back in December I bought and read the book Raising Cole by Marc Pittman and loved it.

Since it has been slow with all the rainouts over the last week and with my kids out of the house on vacation/camp I just finished re-reading it. Very inspiring.

Here are 22 things that Marc Pittman's teen-age son said that he learned from his dad:

 Don’t let anyone steal your dream.

 You can work now and play later, or you can play now and work later.

 If it doesn’t help you play sports, don’t do it. (drugs and drinking)

 It doesn’t matter what you can do, it matters what they think you can do.

 Appearance is everything.

 Sometimes your closest friends want to see you fail.

 A young man will hurt you. An old man will kill you.

 One-time things turn into lifelong addictions.

 Sometimes being different is a cool thing to do.

 When someone you love asks you to do them a favor, do it.

 You don’t tell someone you love them, you show them.

 You never know how many people are watching you.

 Sometimes just calling someone by their name means so much to them.

 Never cross your arms, put your hands over your package or do anything that shows weakness when you’re speaking to someone.

 A handshake tells so much about a man.

 Look everyone in the eye while you’re talking to them.

 Always walk like you’re going somewhere.

 Never, ever be late.

 You will never know why parents act the way they do until you have kids of your own.

 Also congratulate others on their accomplishments.

 Treat the not-so-attractive girls just as good as the good-looking ones.

 Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do right now.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM