Wanted to chime in on the endorsement of the Andy Pettitte book. Our almost 15yo, got it Christmas before last and got so much out of it. Andy P is one of his all time hero's and I can only hope that the message of the book is firmly engraved in his sweaty little teenage mind.
We even rode out the "hurricane" at the Ballpark when the Yankees were in town, with Pettitte scheduled to pitch. Then played hookey for half of the next school day to attend the make up game, with Pettitte on the mound. A friend of a friend also arranged for him to get a A.P. signed baseball. That puppy was under glass within an hour of him getting it. Death threats simultaneously went out to any younger sibling/sibling's friend who dared breathe on it...let alone put their grubby mitts on it.
I will have to pick up the other ones to add to our ever growing baseball book library. Thank goodness there are books along these lines that teenage boys actually want to read.
Thanks for sharing the titles!