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Reply to "Bringing in "Ringers""

Buyer beware....Teams have reputations and when you spend the kind of money we all have spent on a team, it's a good idea to know a little about their practices.


Some people may think it's okay to do this if you win.  I do not.  But, that's why we chose the team we did.  If we had played on a team that brought in ringers at the end of the season or for a big tournament, my son may have been one to sit and watch and my hard earned dollars would have supplemented some other family whose kid I would not have been happy to pay for.  It was a sacrifice and hard as heck to pay for my own.  


When people ask at what age, I personally don't think it gets more important as the kids age because they are the ones who need and have paid for, played for, sacrificed for the exposure.  They deserve the chance in the big game and honestly, I'd rather watch us lose and do right by a team mate who had done the things I just mentioned then play on while our own kids watched/parents I had come to enjoy and respect stewed.


But back to the point, we are the consumers and ultimately as parents its our choice what type of team/coach our kids are playing for.  Good for your friend Golf for taking a stand and finding another team.  Nobody gets better on the bench, play where you will play while developing. 
