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Reply to "Broadcasting Debut"

Well as I was on the way to the game the Coach called and said he didn't have his laptop ready with the account ready to go, and the link on the schedule for fans to listen wasn't there either. So, today didn't happen after all. However, he will have everything up and ready to go for next weekend! This will give me some time to do som perusing and learning about calling a game. lol.


FF, I had to laugh at that reply of yours. I could only imagine how that would go! I think the Coach told me I'd probably not be in the booth when he's on the mound. Smart man. hahaha


We swept all 3 games this weekend! Off to a 6-1 start.


I'll be back later in the week and post the website here so all of you who are interested can listen and give me feedback during for some pointers.
