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Reply to "Can a cyber-friend be as good as any friend?"


Originally posted by observer44:

Your comments do seem to emanate from a different era 44 and that era seemingly was more relaxed and peaceful. In reality it wasn't much different from now. We weren't bombarded with all of the bad stuff, but that bad stuff was there nonetheless.

The importance and need for meaningful and effective communication has not diminished from that era to the present. The difference is that now there are so many various means and methods to communicate and many, if not all, of them are being marketed to us as quicker, faster, and more convenient than what was available previously.

The younger members of our society embrace all of the newest technology and, as you described 44, they tend to develop their communication skills with the tools they choose. We did the same when we were younger.

The problem is that now the changes are much more significant and occur at almost blinding speed. The transition from one method to another is rapid and it is less likely that many people will settle in and get comfortable with one form of communicating before jettisoning it for the next new one coming down the pike.

None of this negates or diminishes the importance and need for meaningful and effective communication as I mentioned before.

I think the HSBBW allows all of us to connect on a common field using the same tools. It takes an effort to make this work, but I agree with you 44...we humans do want to connect with others in a meaningful way and for the most part I believe that is exactly what happens here.

Thank you for your post 44.

Last edited by gotwood4sale