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Reply to "Can competitive athletes be developed this way?"

It seems we have lost track of what differentiates the competative player and the casual player. In little league it's okay to have everyone feel good and have fun. The player seeking more will have found a more competative arena to be playing in by Majors so why should we worry about others just having fun?
High shcool is the same way unfortunately. They fill the rosters with kids who don't have the same levels of passion and often I notice the entire level of play diminished by now in the season. That is happening on my son's team now. We actually employ a "rotation" to make sure it is mostly fair playing time. The errors and lack of basics like understanding the roll of a cut off man are killing me. I can barely go to the game. We could field a very competative team but choose to play little league style in high school. It is ridiculous. But unlike little league where you find a better place to play, high school has a monopoly. It kills me when we have a handful of potential college players who play 1 out of every 3 games so the little league graduates can kick the ball around the field on their turn.
While I do see a place for the feel good approach, it should clearly stop by high school!