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Canseco's book

I don't know if Canseco's telling the truth about Palmero, Pudge, and Juan all being steroid users. But something stinks in major league baseball - too many homers, too many records broken. Until they are ALL tested I don't trust any of the players or management.

There was another story about steroids on Dallas Channel 8 sports tonight. It really did not answer how to stop the steroids usage. Apparently, it does not get around that people die from liver and kidney problems when they are 40 unless they already killed themselves after suffering the depression side effects from the drug.

The only way to stop it is to start at the top. Change the policy to mirror what is done in track. 2 years ban on first positive test. Lifetime ban on second.

How can we force the pro's? I wish I could say to boycott the opening game. But that would be easy since I probably would not go anyway.

I just wish there was a way to send them a message that they may own the logo on the jerseys but they don't own the game. Pay baseball a little more respect and clean it up. What have we already lost with these B.S. home run records?
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