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Reply to "Caution for Parents of Young Players"

If I had a nickel for every time I heard this phrase "It's my life. I will deal with the consequences. I can take it." Well at least multiple variations of those comments. 

No you don't understand. It's not just your life. People you love will suffer or benefit from the decisions you make today. When you can't buy your son a new glove because your struggling to pay the light bill. When you cant afford to give your kids the things you wish you could give them. When you see other people taking their kids on vacations, buying them things kids want and you can can't. When your kids, your wife, your family suffers because of the decisions you made come back and tell me it's your life. When come to the realization that people who had no choice in the matter are suffering because of your poor choices come back and tell me it's your life. When you cause pain to those who love you and you finally come out of your ignorant coma come back and tell me it was just your life.

I am a believer in the truth. The truth hurts. The truth is painful. The truth is not politically correct. The truth doesn't care about your feelings. The truth does no discriminate. The truth doesn't care. It is simply the truth. Kids need to hear the truth. They need to be taught to embrace the truth. The face the truth. The live the truth. The truth has consequences both good and bad. Stop sugar coating the truth. Stop watering down the truth. Stop avoiding the truth. Here is is boy. If you ___________ you will _________. If you don't _______ you will ____________. Too many times "Parents" are in the business of being the feel good doctor. Fix it. Manipulate it. Do whatever you have to do to make them happy today. Make sure you do everything you can to make them feel good. 

One day you won't be here or you won't be able to gloss over the truth. And the harsh reality will be revealed to them. And they won't like the truth. And you won't either. But it will still be the truth. It's not a bad thing to demand, to expect, to challenge, to hold them to standards. No it's your job. Or you can be their friend today and then know later you missed the mark. Someone will raise them. The question is will it be you?
