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Reply to "CCL Cancels 2020 Summer"

Glad to see some people are still fighting for the right interpretation of statistics. Sadly we aren't getting it much on a mainstream basis. 

FL had another great press conference today. All we hear about is spiking in cases. But cases don't mean anything anymore without context. In FL, the median age testing positive is now 27-32. There are more ICU beds available today then in March. Hospitalizations are still going down. Which means that while more people testing positive, they aren't being hospitalized. They are recovering just like over 99% of the population would. The news we get is that since cases are spiking, the deaths will surely lag and show up. But that's not happening because the positive cases aren't sick enough to be hospitalized. 

This is true for TX and mostly AZ outside of a few counties. If the country can move past the idea of focusing on "cases" and look deeper to what is actually happening with the cases (age, hospitalized, beds) then we may have a chance. If we can't and only freak about a cases spike, then we aren't having any sports this year at NCAA or professional level. Or next year in 2021 because it ain't going away. Perhaps in 2022 there will be a vaccine. But we will still be social distancing and mandating masks, because this time has taught us that every life matters. So we'll be doing this for the flu and other viruses. Because we have to save every life. 

That may sound ridiculous and exaggerating, but we also thought that we just had to lockdown for 30 days to flatten a curve. 

What's more likely- our nation saying OK, no more social distancing/masks/lockdowns and go back to normal, or keeping these on forever to save as many lives going forward?


