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Reply to "CDP team vs. specific college camps"


I am going to take your question and turn it inside out; you need to help your son in defining what he wants from his college experience. Now is the time to start introducing him to what it means to be a college student. He needs to begin to have a vision of what his life will look like as a college student.

It is time that your son start visiting schools. At his age he has no idea what being a college student looks or feels like. He needs to start developing his personal college criteria (big school/small school, Geography, Majors, etc.)

Once your start figuring what he wants you can put an action plan which includes baseball. As to baseball; get an HONEST assessment of his level of play. We wasted too much time chasing the west coast D1 dream when that was not the highest probability for our son. If you know where your son fits as a baseball player and what he wants as a person you will be far better prepared to make choices that meet your objectives.
Last edited by ILVBB