quote:Originally posted by piaa_ump:
Understand of course,....that use of tobacco products is illegal in NFHS rules.........and should I catch you using tobacco products........I will eject you.......immediately.....and for the most of you, that will entail another game suspension.....
I dont have a choice in the matter......and just so you know,........its not just High school......... NCAA rules prohibit tobacco use during games or practice with ejection of the player and head coach as well.........
It may as someone posted "allow you to focus"........but it will hurt your team if you are ejected for one game and suspended for another. You decide if its worth it or not...........
In addition to the FED prohibition of tobacco products, remember that possession of tobacco on public school grounds, including baseball fields, is illegal in most, if not all, states.
I will never understand why a young man who may have the potential to go far in baseball would want to develop a habit that could very well cut that career short.