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Reply to "Coaching your own kid"

Same here.
I just knew not to Coach my son after twelve years old.
It was great, and I loved to Coach.
Ball Players need Other influances in there life.
I made the right Decision.
Everything is going great, and my son has excelled.
He's had differant Coaches every year since 13 yrs. old.
One school Coach, one Summer Travel Coach.
He will finely have, this his Senior Year in HS the Same Coach 2 yrs in a row.
And the same summer travel Coach 2 yrs. in a row.
And each experience has help him grow into a Player that now can handle what ever the Coach throw's at him.
All differant styles of coaching has made him mature faster.
I'm not recommending this. It just has worked for my son.
It's nothing we planned, it just worked out that way.

I would love to start my own travel team.
No parent's involved, Maybe 14 to 16 yr. old's.
Just to see if I could be a good coach. It would be Fun. The EH