quote:Originally posted by Jeff Connell:
I see kids out there that should be D1 that are getting no offers and D1 committed kids that can't start for many high schools. I'm glad there are others in the same boat. Maybe we can bail together to keep the ship afloat.
There are many coaches that take a lot of things into consideration other than the pitcher's velocity or the hitter's HR. This perhaps goes along with the other topic you started. Perhaps that player we think is top D1 material can't afford 75% of the cost, perhaps the other player can. Does he need more starters or more relief guys? Does he not want to bother because he thinks he might lose him in the draft (as 3G pointed out) or the player doesn't seem entirely commitment to college baseball (coaches tired of getting burned so I hear). Does he think that one is more coachable than the other. It's very much about talent but it is also very much about the coaches budget, how he sees a particular player fitting into the team, being projectible and coachable and other things that we as parents don't realize, even sometimes not liking the parent and their attitude.
Perhaps telling you that your son didn't have the velocity (though he did) was his just polite way of saying, I am not interested. I am not really sure why parents are having discussions with coaches anyway, this should be between the player and coach, perhpas the parent geting involved with scholarship discussion, we stayed out of it until we were contacted by coaches interested.
Just keep in mind that sometimes it's not what you hit on the radar, but how many pitches for strikes you throw (especially at the big programs) effectively and whether he needs a RHP or LHP.
Don't take my comments personally, we've all been through it, why do they want that guy and not my player. If you try to figure it out it will drive you crazy because you never will.
The good part in all of this is that for those that haven't paid nuch attention to what advice has been offered here over teh years, are now finding out for themselves (and will be able to give advice after all is said and done) that it is NOT an easy road for anyone, there are many many factors that go into recruiting.