I have stated this before and will again for all of those new folks.
A large D1 baseball program is not for everyone.
Over the years, there have been many behind the scenes PM's from folks whose players are in such programs and admitting it was not what they expected for their sons. There are reasons many of which I won't go into, I always think that is something that people will have to find out for themselves.
Keep in mind what CD mentioned, there are only 9 that play and the best ones play every game. And keep in mind on a 35 man roster, more than half are pitchers. Try to get objective opinions, from others, as to where your son's true ability is to help in the recruiting process. Attend one of those larger camps (for their excellent instruction) and most of those guys are honest enough to let you know where your player really stands.
HH15, the reason being for much D1 discussion is because many players get the same generic letter from D1 schools (who have the $$ resources to do this) and that generates excitement.
BTW, there are many here whose sons have played JUCO and other divisions, NAIA (rather than very large D1 programs) you just may not be familiar with them all. I think a lot of us whose sons played those larger programs,have over the years very politely tried to steer most in the opposite direction.