Look bsbl and bobblehead....I am in no way trying to start a fight over the internet. I have read hsbaseballweb for over a year now and it just strikes me funny that sometimes their is just WAY too much self back-patting on this website.
I honestly hope the best for every single person that reads this website and understand this thread is for d1 recruiting, but its just thoughts I've felt for a long time. I understand the process and its absolutely degrading on a player to be told he's not good enough because he wasnt given x height, doesnt run an x 60, doesnt throw x MPH, etc. From down south we call that profiling, and its ridiculous. Look at Texas A&M, Texas, LSU, etc, and you see the same exact type of player up and down the roster.
Look, there are maybe 1000 d1 players out of the 10000+ who are playing some type of collegiate ball. Its awesome that alot of the parents on here have been able to send their sons to these programs, but it just doesnt always present an accurate array of recruiting stories when their are parents and readers who have or who are B- players and dont get to enjoy that ride, yet never post in these forums.
Please dont feel as if im personally attacking any person on here because I do not want to do that in any way...just understand that the other 90% who arent d1 are reading this forum at the same time you are....