Sometimes threads can turn into a mess where nothing positive is coming from it. Dont let a post get you upset. Dont let what someone says on a computer get you p i s s ed off. We all have our own experiences and we all have our own opinions.
It is very common for one program "Coaching staff" to really like a player and recruit him and another to not be interested. Sometimes its simply a need you and dont need you guy based on what they already have and what they already have coming in. Sometimes its the fact your guy just doesnt fit their program and their coaching staffs style of play. It could be something as simple as the pitching coach not likeing a kids delivery or arm slot because he had a kid one time he reminds him of and it didnt pan out. Unless your a kid that is just a no brainer everyone is not going to jump up and down about the prospect of getting you.
Sometimes kids are not recruited by certain schools because they dont believe they can get him and they are not going to waste resources recruiting him. There are many reasons one program may really like a kid and others may not. Thats ok its just the way it is.
Trying to get kids to understand that its not where they are but what they do where they are sometimes can be a difficult thing. Getting caught up in D1 or bust or Bigtime D1 or bust can lead to some poor decisions and some outstanding missed opportunities for players. And sometimes a kid can be a bigtime D1 baseball player but not a bigtime D1 student. Its all about being in the right place for you. And that may mean your talent could be a good match but you are not a good match. Or maybe your talent is a good fit for one school but not for another because what you bring to the table is not as highly valued at one school as it is at another.
I can tell you from personal experience that where you really want to be and where you really need to be can be totally different. And sometimes kids have to come to that realization on their own because they dont listen until they get hit smack dab in the face with it. But thats life.
The best fit for a kid is not only academics but baseball as well. We are talking about kids who love the game and really want to play in college. And we all want them to get the best education they can get at the same time. So good luck to all of you and dont stress about all of this. You can do everything right and still make a bad decision. You can do everything wrong and get lucky as hel. No one gave you a book and told you to follow it by the T when you were raising your kids. You simply did the best you could do and hoped it all worked out. Just do the best you can do and then support your kid. And if it doesnt work out punt , play some great defense and score the next time you have the ball.
Good luck