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Reply to "College Fall Ball"

Really some good information here. It seems as if the moms are in touch with the situation. Smile I guess we all have different problems as they go off to college because of the different set of circumstances surrounding each situation. For all the boys it will be an exciting time in their lives. It’s a step from boyhood to manhood. For some of our sons it will be a giant leap but for others it will be a smaller more controlled step. I still think all students stumble and struggle, or are at least challenged, with college. With some boys it might be the more difficult academics while others struggle with the increased social pressures. I know some boys have a difficult time adjusting to the more rigid time management placed on them as a college student/athlete.
Some parents view this time in their son’s lives as a sink or swim situation. I don’t see it as such. These boys are getting an education in life too and I think the supportive parent can be a big help. But before we can help them WE have to understand that our role as parents has suddenly changed. For the student that goes away to college, we can no longer be the restrictive enforcer that in the past set the curfew and banned certain CD and DVDs. That’s OK, because now we have the chance to be one of the more experienced, supportive, mature adult in their lives. It’s a great opportunity for us to offer our assistance in helping them cope with the realities of life. There are few things more rewarding than to get a phone call that says:“Dad, I need your opinion on something.”

Last edited by Fungo