Eight could mean an extra week of football, and I'd really like to know what the players (students) really think about it before deciding to implement. So, you'd have the regular season + conference champ + national playoff. That is a lot of games, travel, and focus on things other than the classroom. This is akin to the NFL wanting to add two extra games because they can. First, I'd want to know if the number of concussions is declining because of the action taken by the schools, conferences and NCAA. Let's make sure our college students are better protected before putting them at more risk. JMO.
Just guessing but I would guess that a large number of the players would be OK with this but I could be wrong.
I think the issue of physical wear / tear along with concussions could be a legitimate issue and only thing to hold it back but the flip side is that the other levels of football already have playoffs. I would like to see the numbers of injuries / concussions between the two styles if there would be an increase.
As for the academic issue IMO this is the most blown out of the water arguement against playoff I've seen. First they have been on this schedule for 11 weeks of missing class to travel. Another couple of weeks won't hurt anything because it's what they are used to already. Second we live in the 21st century and their phones have the world's knowledge in their hands. Technology has never provided a better opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. I know when I was finishing my masters degree colleges were starting to use Blackboard for online class, assignments, staying up to date, etc... At the high school level I use Edmodo to be able to extend the classroom outside of normal school setting. Third most of this playoff system will take place over Christmas break. They won't miss class. Fourth they chose this life to be a student and an athlete. With that comes the responsibility of staying on top of their studies regardless of what type of schedule they have. Plus football probably misses the least amount of class than all the other sports. I would bet that if they needed extra help the coaches / school would make sure they get it.