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Reply to "College Representative Fail"

jacjacatk posted:
mdschert posted:

PC culture is driving the insanity.
There's nothing wrong with LGBTQ.
It's inappropriate for a University to ask questions on a questionnaire relating to LGBTQ issues.
I must be gay for pointing out that those statements don't all mesh, and that reality is all around you, and your son.

Hey, you do you, man.

My point is that it is very inappropriate for a university to ask about sexual preference of a prospect student, none of their business.  Yes, I totally believe PC culture is driving this insanity.  Yes, there is nothing wrong with being LGBTQ.  Seems to mesh with me.....

Please tell us all why you would take being LGBTQ as an insult?  Seems you are the one with homophobic tendencies....

And then, the coup de grace, I must be the real homophobe for pointing out reality.

I'm not insulted that you would insinuate in a read-between-the-lines-as-an-insult way that I must be gay. I've been (albeit almost always pointlessly) arguing with people on the internet since before it was called that, and I'm pretty sure there's no way to actually insult me (though, certainly, feel free to try to prove me wrong).

I'm amused that people with clearly homophobic tendencies can't understand that calling someone gay isn't an insult. Feel free to argue the that presumption about you, but the apple don't fall far from the tree.

And, to turn back towards facts for a moment, it's clearly in the best interests of a university to understand the needs of its prospective student body, especially those who might otherwise be discriminated against. I don't really believe Big Gay Al showed up at your son's school, but even if the rep was Agador Spartacus himself, it wouldn't dissuade me, or more importantly, my son from considering an otherwise interesting school.

OK, I'm pop-cultured out.  Going to go crank up the Queen and head to the pet store.  No, that's not a euphemism.

Edited to limit quote-storm, and start the countdown to the Swampboy ban-hammer.

Since you don't believe the actual scenario then there is no reason to continue.....

I found the stash of Ho Ho's my wife has been hiding from me, gotta go.  Toodles...

