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Reply to "Collegiate Summer Ball 2014 Winding Down"

Son is playing 6 hour drive away from home. This is the first summer I have not been able to see most of his game.
He has always been a starter, this summer he is a reliever for the first time. He is still lifting at the local Y. He started the season in a hotel, about half way through a player went home and he was able to move in with a host family. It has been a long summer but he desperately wants to make the play offs.
He is a D3 player and relishes the chance to pitch against players from the other divisions.
He was home for 10 days after school let out and if they make the play offs, he will only be home for about a week before heading back to college.
The first few weeks were very rough, living in a hotel with a roommate and getting his own food etc.
But the fans and community were a godsend. They treated the boys well. He made many new friends and it has been a good experience.