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Reply to "Collegiate Summer Ball 2014 Winding Down"

Originally Posted by Hunter10:

Who's funding these summer collegiate teams? what is the responsibility of the player? Do the host families get compensation or is it out of the kindness of their hearts? Just curious.

Depends on the league and even the teams in the league. Last year we paid a fee for the summer. This year there was no cost. Both leagues are well respected. 

Funding is different from team to team. My sons team this year did not charge admission to the games. All all the coscesion money went to the schriners. They hold a camp for kids in the community that they charge a small fee for. I have assume they get there funding through local business advertizing and sponsor ships. The host families did for the most part as a community effort. The host family doesn't get season tickets because games are free. The host families for my son has been a god send. They were his family for the sumner and they may turn into life long relationships.

His team last year was funded concessions, players fees and admissions.  The year before my son played for the team it was funded by one board member. He donated a larfe sum every season, and what was left over was donated to the united way, as profits for the season. 

The leagues my son played in were non profit.margins Only one team had beer sales. Each teams have there own business model. Most leagues are about the players, but a few can be a bit shady. Teams will start recruiting for rv next year shortly. 


 Edit: Sorry for teh bad grammar and mis-spellings. I should never try to respond on a smartphone. When I have more time I will clean it up.

Last edited by BishopLeftiesDad