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Reply to "Comparing our HS team to MLB in some hitting metrics"

Originally Posted by Soylent Green:

Stats - All I can do is repeat: What you wrote in your OP is not correct, as I indicated. And it isn't a question of you needing to "see things the way I do"... It's a matter of understanding some fundamentals of Statistics. You are entitled to any baseball opinions you care to espouse... but when you make incorrect factual statements, as you often do, people are apt to call you on it, as they often have. Maybe stop blaming the messengers.


What “incorrect factual statements” exactly did I write in the OP that are incorrect? Is it that Hits per PA is really close between the numbers I have and what the MLB numbers are? Is it that there are big differences when you look at each individual type of hit? Is it that the rate of triples is very close to the same, but the HS numbers I have show a much higher rate than MLB for double? Is it that MLB rate for singles and HRs are both much higher?


Is it that even keeping in mind how small the sample I have is compared to the MLB sample, I don’t have the right to theorize. Or maybe its that those numbers seem to back up my thought that HS fences could be moved in to generate more HRs to make the game at the 2 levels more similar. Perhaps I was wrong when I said “Of course it would be much different where the fields weren’t a big as what we typically play on.”


So if you’ll kindly point out exactly what I said that was so wrong, I’d appreciate it.


I’ve discussed sample size and how I see it in relation to the numbers I generate with some folks who are much higher on the statistics food chain than anyone I’ve run across on this board, and to a person, each agrees with me.


As for most everything else you've written in this thread... It seems to me that it's just so much personal drama. And frankly that's the familiar pattern with you: if you can't win a point on the merits, you start changing the subject, making personal attacks, and acting persecuted... usually in that order.


And how would you feel if you were constantly attacked, not because some thought you expressed, but because you didn’t think the way the majority thought? I haven’t changed the subject here at all! Many others have, but I haven’t. I didn’t throw in some analogy that had nothing at all to do with the topic at hand rather than simply try to answer a simple question. Maybe you’re one of those with his feet stuck in concrete who believes everything about the game is perfect and questions should never be asked, whether they’re good questions or not.
