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Completing the play

Had a few minutes on Saturday and was able to catch a few innings of son's alma mater's game.  It was a pitching duel, however, the visiting team had runners on first and second, one out.  Sharp hit ball to 3B, who took his eyes off it a split second too soon, trying to go for a double play.  He fumbled it around his feet for a second, and then with runner from second bearing down on him, grabbed the ball and made a tag.  No problem to this point, however, the play was made close to the base, no contact except for the glove hitting the runner.  From my veiwpoint (obviously much farther away than BU, from behind homeplate) it appeared to be one continuous movement, the tag applied, the runner running through it toward base, the glove with ball moving along with the runner, and the ball coming out.  BU called out, and maintained out.  Needless to say this provoked quite a heated discussion from their coach.  


I hate the football term for ruling a completion, making a football move.  I know the old saw about the tag/catch was made, the ball dropped while making the transfer, but I didn't see that happen on this play.  What is the requirement for control of the ball while applying a tag in a bang bang situation like this?

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