I played against those Cooper teams that won state. In 1987, we were "supposed" to face them in the regionals but were upset in the 2nd round. We had 4 D 1 guys, 7 starters back from a team that only lost 1 in the regular season the year before.
We win Game 1 of the area round and go up to Denton High for Game 2. We are up on those guys 10-1 going into the Bottom of the 7th and give up 10 runs to lose it...series tied. We had a guy on 3rd in the 5th and 6th for the run rule, but our coach pinch hit for our starters. Next night, we lose and get knocked out. We had been scouting Cooper all season, threw a JV pitcher against them in a tournament as they threw Jason Satre ( high pick of the Reds ).
OU assistant Tim Tadlock was on that Denton team. Everytime we talk he brings up the "miracle game" or at least that's what they call it in Denton. I can't print on here we we called it! TAMU-CC head coach Scott Malone was a Sophomore on that Cooper team coached by his dad Andy. Scott likes to kid around about the series that we "never" played. Scott Pugh, head football coach at Granbury, was their 1B. Boy he could hit! He was pretty salty playing for those Longhorns too!