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Reply to "Cost of being recruited"

Observer44 and Fungo - great posts IMO.

Observer - if one were to look at it from a purely financial perspective - 99% of the parents who go through this process would be making what could only be described as idiotic financial decisions.
The "pot at the end of the college baseball recruiting rainbow" is filled with a bag of donuts and a couple bucks for the vast majority of players/parents. Its the trip - not the destination - I agree.

Fungo - your post is thought provoking in many ways. What really caught my eye was the schools listed. There were about 45. All big namers.
I would love to know about the other 900 or so schools as well to get a complete picture.

What I have seen more than ever with the young players is the shift away from actually playing the game and winning as a team - and towards a showcase mentality.
What is my time in the 60? - how hard am I throwing? - what is my bat speed? etc...

I hear less and less about actually playing the game - and more and more about "tools" and being "toolsy" (God I hate that word).

If I see one more "toolsy" player in a baseball game playing like garbage - I am going to puke.
