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Reply to "COVID-19 has robbed our young athletes of joys they can never get back"

I've avoided this site for 6 months.  I'll probably avoid it indefinitely after this, but expect that I may be banned and my post taken down.

First, I have several family members and close friends that have served in our military and I respect them all.  Any life lost is tragic and please correct this if I'm wrong, but I think we lost about 60,000 soldiers in Vietnam between 1954 and 1975.   I don't think you can directly compare the two, Covid and Vietnam, but we lost  about an extra 70,000 people under the age of 54 in 2020, and that doesn't include any of the numbers over in 2021 so far.

I got Covid shortly  after I stopped posting here about 6-7 months ago.  Covid made me the sickest that I've ever been, and I am in shape, and I don't mean in shape for 50, I mean really in shape, Jack LaLanne type shape.  I have zero pre-existing conditions and never missed a day of work or school due to illness in my previous 50 years.  Covid kicked my ass and if I was a little older, it would have been a real battle for survival.

As I have done in most my other posts on this matter, I want to review real data from 2020.  The hardest hit groups in the wake of Covid, by percentage increase in deaths, looks like this.

Notice that the hardest hit groups, by increased percentage of deaths, are between the ages of 15 and 44.  Very few people in these age groups actually died of Covid, why are they the biggest percentage increase?  Well, because of the things more intelligent, thoughtful people warned about.  But the "dangerously stupid" chose to listen to a political narrative instead of facts.  They paid attention to rantings of sensationalized, for profit news, instead of checking for themselves.  Substance abuse, depression, suicide, etc. in the wake of "anti-social" distancing, business closures, school shutdowns, and general despair, these were the plagues brought on by the "dangerously stupid", not Covid.

In order to gain political power, the "dangerously stupid" were recruited to ignore the real data, and become willing accomplices in robbing young people of their education, their socialization, and irreparably damaging their future.  But worse than that, we now know the "dangerously stupid" increased young peoples' death rates more than any other age groups' rate.  The "dangerously stupid" took out more young people in one year than Covid by itself ever could have, and more young than the entire Vietnam war did over 21 years if you really want to talk about tragedy.

So, to the "dangerously stupid" on this site, and I think you at least suspect who you are, maybe take some solace in knowing there are at least another 80 million of you out there.


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Last edited by Pedaldad