Runner on first and basehits to the OF my SS will be my cut / relay man for all OFs going to 3B.
Runner on second and basehits to the OF my 1B and 3B will be my cut / relay men for all OFs going home. I want my 1B to handle as many of these as he can get because it helps set up a back pick to 3B with the 3B staying home. But on the left side it has to be the 3B with SS rotating over to take 3B for a back pick.
On double cuts / tandems I have three rules of thumb that my guys will always follow
1) If the ball gets past an OF (doesn't always have to be to the fence) then we automatically go into double cut / tandem situation
2) As long as the OF has his back to the IF and is running then my MIF is running with them. The OF stops then they stop and set up.
3) All throws are 2/3 then 1/3 - meaning the OF will make the longest throw in the chain with an IF making the shorter throw. I actually use this idea with non - double cut / tandem situations as well.
Nobody on and ball past an OF - 2B or SS will lead if ball is to their side with the other one floating 10 - 12 feet behind for bad / errant throws. I teach them if they have to jump or bend over to catch the throw then to let it go to the floater because it should be above the waist / below the head for them. The lead MIF has to communicate when ball is in the air - me, me, me or you, you, you - so the floater knows to attack the ball. I teach my 1B to come inside the bag and get right to the edge of interference to force (hopefully) the runner deeper towards RF on their turn.
Runner on first and ball gets past the OF I do everything the same as above EXCEPT my 1B automatically goes to the mound area lining up between home and the middle of the space between my MIF. When a ball gets past OF the thought is that they are getting two bases so we need to stop them from getting a third. So by having the ball going to 3B automatically we are hoping to create a close play or have the ball in quick enough it stops an aggressive turn at 3B. But if they take a huge turn then we can still have a throw home from our MIF who are now in the OF with a cut / relay man in the IF with our 1B. You can still work a back pick at 2B with a corner OF who is away from the play. So if the ball is on the RF side of CF then the LF will hustle to 2B for the back pick and vice versa.
Not trying to be a smart alec or anything but if your 1B is more athletic than your SS then you need to make a switch or you're probably not going to be very good. Plus I want an athlete at 1B because it's tougher than people think it is.