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Reply to "D-III Academics"

Inf I stated many times that I like my son playing against the best colleges but never stated it made him a better player. The reason was to prove he could pitch against them. He already had the tools to pitch against them.
I have been a beliver in college undergrad work is a place to break away from the HS hold your hand mentality. Some of my profs open about what we were there for and that was to learn how to learn and not to parrot what they heard and were told. To uestion and to examine and reach our conclusions based on rational examination of what we learned. We had no TAs back then but we had some very excentric professors. I could elaborate but I won't. Lets just say they were very strange. Some of our Profs said they didn't care if you didn't attend class and that we were adults and were on our own. Udergard work is not that challeging. Grad work is a total different thing all together.
I attended The Inns of Court in London England. It is where all British Barristers graduate from and is separate from the education of Solicitors. My classes were in the 1st Chancery Court built in 1066 by William The Conqueror. It was just like an old church and really quite shabby by our standards. The Profs read out of books and did nothing remarkable either. We had to do it ourselves. There were tiny black boards and the Prof was actually very awkward out of her element. Every Barrister in the British common wealth was taught by people in one of the 4 Inns. Same law books ,same case law and really not very different than what I experienced getting by Bachelor of Commerce. These Profs were supposedly the brightest legal people in GB. My best friend was from Bernuda and became the Crown Att. of Brmuda. I sat with people from all over the world. The experience was remarkable but not the teaching. I had to do it myself. They had a standard bar exam administered by The legal Council of Education. A separate entity and you could challenge the exams anytime you wanted.
I can remember at my University whcih had a Law school, Med school and had several Rhodes scholars. that students constantly bragged about attending this U. To me the undergrad stuff was unremarkable. Same text books , similar strange Profs. In fact I would rather go to a wealthy U if I were taking certain subjects in grad work simply because they have all the reaserch, libraries etc that the less weathy ones have.
I thought under grad was not much more than an extesion of HS interlaced with some more relevant subjects and without the training wheels.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll