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Reply to "D2 Money and Freshman"


It's a good sign that you're considering this side of the equation.

Take a good hard look at the roster history and turnover at the school, and try to make a realistic assessment of where your player fits in their talent profile.
A lot of us know from experience that it's easy for a player to get lost in a large roster when the coaches have 50 other players to choose from. Even if said player is a good fit talent-wise for the program, there are numerous external factors he cannot control which can put him on the outside of the coaches circle of trust.

It's rare to find a decently high-level D2 program that doesn't carry 45 or more players, and if you go into a program like this, you need to be pretty dang sure that you can win a position.
It only really works for about 25 kids, and everyone else is just there to fill the dorms.

Some D2 programs carry over 100 kids on the roster (including JV team.) This sounds absurd, but it's not as uncommon as you would think.
The team dynamic is completely different in a program that only brings in 35 each fall.

College Baseball Insights posted a link to his excellent roster analysis and attrition page yesterday:

You can change the selection boxes to Year=2021 (or previous) and Division=NCAA D2, then you can sort by Current Roster Size to get an idea who is doing this over-recruiting.
