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Reply to "D3 decommitting advice"

cherylhans posted:
stayfocused posted:

" local State four year school at $17,000 a year against any fancy "prestigious"  school charging $50,000 plus a year.   Go ahead and bash away!!! 

Unfortunately, it's the local 4-year state school that is 36K!  I just think it is stressful enough to go to school, play baseball, deal with all the pressure of finding a job, and then have a 144K loan at 7% interest to worry about paying off.  We are in-state... when did in-state schools become so out of reach??  

I've noticed that tuition isn't so outrageous. It's when you add in the cost of room and board and all the other add ons that things get out of hand.I have two kids at two different in state schools, and while we are pleased with the education they're getting, the private schools they looked at weren't far off on the cost of attendance after the first round of financial aid. But they are at the schools they each fell in love with and we will do our best to help them through the debt they are accumulating while making sure they understand how much they have and how it all works.

And it's true that what you get for financial aid the first year isn't necessarily what you get the second year. Not sure of the nature of your appeal, but I would make sure you call and talk to a financial aid officer. I did that when I lost my job and we got some additional help. I very much believe that having a real life human being advocating for you is a major plus.
