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Reply to "D3 recruits may be able to sign commitment letters soon."

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:



Ivy recruitment can be more risky than traditional D1 due to the Admissions requirements.  The other risk is that many top ivy recruits will end up passing over previous D1 scholarship offers due to the ivy recruitment timetable.  Many people I know understand this risk and have passed up on D1 scholarships to attend one of these (Ivy) schools mostly for academic reasons.


LL are issued after Oct 1 into December. There is really no getting around this additional risk the recruit is taking on.  I'm suggesting the risk can be managed if the recruit has leverage and options.  Leverage could be in the form of recruitment interest from other Ivys, Patriot or D1 interest.   The Ivy Coach is under more pressure to follow through with Admissions to issue a LL for the recruit if he knows the recruit will change his application from RD to ED.  This approach puts added incentive or pressure on the Coach to make sure a recruit gets a LL or he could go to another Ivy or D1 program.  If the Coach can't get Admissions to issue a LL, then the recruit isn't bound to the ED and would be free to pursue other options.


Please send me a PM Dialog if you want to discuss further as this is getting away from teh OPs original topic.

Thanks fenway, this helps.  I wasn't thinking of the timeline issue and how this plays into things.
