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Reply to "D3 recruits may be able to sign commitment letters soon."



I've helped many folks with both Ivy and NESCAC baseball recruiting over the last 5 years.  My son was recruited & offered by schools in these conferences as well as some mid-level D1s.  My opinion is based on what I've seen & heard and what others have shared with me.  I think there are a couple different scenarios that play out every year with regards to specific candidates considering Ivy and NESCAC schools.  There is very little difference between Ivy and NESCAC candidates academically.   I do think there is significantly deeper baseball talent on almost all Ivy rosters, and I think the Ivys get first choice when it comes to most of these baseball recruits.  Most of the NESCAC schools offer an Early Decision 2 which works out well for them in terms of (possibly) picking up additional qualfified recruits that didn't work out elsewhere.  I also believe there are a lot of folks who genuinely believe a Liberal Arts College is the best place for them academically so they prefer the smaller college NESCAC experience.   Again, JMO and experience..


PS...I really admire the way both of these conference make athletics a part of the student experience.  In my mind, the NCAA could learn alot from both the Ivy and NESCAC folks.  I know my son would have been happy with either choice. 
