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Reply to "D3 recruits may be able to sign commitment letters soon."

Currently at the signing ceremony, if a HS includes D3 recruits, the recruits are signing a blank piece of paper or an acceptance of their Merit scholarship awards. In most cases it is a blank piece of paper. 

This proposal would change that to a Non binding form congratulating the student on being chosen and selecting to move on and play at a D3 institution. 

For baseball this would effect few athletes as their are not many D3 baseball players who have committed at the Early signing period. 

From the NCAA's point of view it is providing Publicity for D3. Here is a post from HTTPS://, by Dave McHugh


Several thoughts... I first talked about this on my trip to Indy and those at the office were very enthusiastic about this. They see it as a chance for Division III to get some headlines. Instead of the D1 and DIIs getting all of the attention when a student-athlete chooses where they are going to college. This can also be a cool story for small, local entities. All of the sudden one of the town's favorite players has a story about them going to a college with pictures and everything. Also, the press will get information about Division III at the event and thus the ideals of Division III can be spread out a bit more to people who may not be as familiar as the rest of us.

Secondly, the non-binding part is great. Sure, it doesn't mean they have to go to the school, but when those signing at the DIs and DIIs of the world they are actually signing important legal documents. It takes on a whole different meaning. Now, to the point that they can still go somewhere else, sure... but I don't think student-athletes are going to "sign a paper" unless they have actually made their decision on a school. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense to them either.

And then this: why not celebrate our student-athletes in more ways. Some of these individuals are incredible students, people, and athletes. They don't get the attention they deserve. This can be a way, even on a small media level, that allows them to be celebrated while also celebrating the division. I love this idea and hope it only helps raise more awareness for Division III and the student-athletes that make it great.

I keep waffling on this proposal.
