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Reply to "dad goes nuts at HS Showcase"

Many parents "spend" a lot of money on lessons, travel teams, showcases etc. Many consider it an "investment" in their son, but understand more than anything, it is an investment in helping their child become the best possible player, with the best potential future.

Unfortunately some go into this "investment" with the assumption of a payback - ie. a college scholarship or signing bonus in the draft.

Some believe the more money you spend the more talented your son will become. Unfortunately not every kid who takes batting lessons from an ex-pro player is going to end up being a pro caliber batter.

When a parent who expected a pay off for the money "invested" realizes the payback is not going materialize they can become very frustrated, and we see the results of this frustration. It really is too bad.

The amount of money you "invest" really needs to be viewed like buying high risk stocks. Can you afford to lose it all? ie. can you handle it if no scholarship or signing bonus comes from it.

I pray this young man can overcome the obstacles placed before him, as they are many.