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Reply to "Dear Mr. Schilling"

I agree with PAMom. I believe one's relationship with God is intensely personal, and wonder what is being accomplished by these testimonials.

The Diety is frequently thanked after sporting events; it was once more common with boxing and football (which I found rather odd, given the nature of those sports) than baseball.

Our Albert has been public with his beliefs, including the time he maintained that it was 'in God's plan' for his contract to be somewhat richer. That sort of thing, as well as tantrums, trash talking, and/or headhunting by players who choose to advertise their status with God certainly does lead some of us to questions.

I remember the story some years ago (when few players had the habit), a batter crossing himself at the plate. The pitcher then did likewise, and called out, "Now who's he going to help!"

Feeling uncomfortable with or questioning the practice of athletes' being publically demonstrative about their faith in no way implies that faith is less important to the questioner. (As I have heard from people of similiar public proclivity when this view is expressed).

I also agree with its -- hearing their religious beliefs is quite the same as hearing their political ones. Would people who feel the same way as Curt does about religion applaud his right if he chose that time to express an opposing political view?