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Reply to "Define "recruited.""

baseballhs posted:
PlayWithEffort posted:

Agree with 2019Dad. This is really good information.

Bumping this thread to the top since we just crossed over the 9/1 date for 2020’s.

Getting on the radar or the Follow list seems to be the first step. Even though the rules have changed to 9/1, the follow list may have been in place for a year or more — especially for 2020’s and some 2021s that were in flight prior to this summers rule change.

I think of casting a wide net as a Venn Diagram. The player casts his net. The coaches cast theirs. The overlapping sets of the nets could be considered the sweet spot. Getting exposure in the sweet spot is the objective but that can be easier said than done.

Son (2021) attended two camps this fall and will play in 3 fall tournaments with the last being the Underclass in Fort Myers in early October. His travel program conducts a showcase style workout that we will use to get video of hitting and fielding skills that can be used to send out to coaches. Our plan is to use a combination of college camps, tournaments and the videos to help cast the net. I don’t know if it’s the best approach or not but it’s the one we are going with at the moment .

Is there a general timeframe for how long a coach will follow a player to watch them develop over the years? It’s been said that coaches used to watch players much longer prior to early recruiting becoming much more prominent. Is the rule change allowing more of that to happen again?

I think every school is different. Maybe also depends on the age of the recruit.  One school watched my son at least 6 times over 8-9 months and talked to him twice a month before they offered (and they offered a very strong percentage). Another watched him once.  He wasn’t even there to see our team, he just got there early and happened to see most of our game. He asked him to call after the game and then ask him to call again the next day and offered. 

We used the approach you are using (email videos, Camp’s, showcases. tournaments) , and it worked for us. Son had enough exposure and was able to find a school that feels like a fit right before Jr. year.


I guess it gets more difficult with the rule change. Prior to the change, communication would occur through the travel coach or some third party if coaches were interested.

Post rule change, I’ve noticed a change to the camps. The camps have added tours of facilities for their prospect camps. All attendees can go on the tour. However, a few players (2021s and younger) get a lot more attention than others. Their tour may take a bit longer or may be a bit ahead or behind the rest of the group.

It will be interesting to see (or hear) what work arounds are being utilized now that the rule change is in effect when you aren’t attending a camp.
