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Differences in Bat Performance ... Your take?

Hey all,

First -- I work with Louisville Slugger (public relations) and am not here to advertise at all.

On Friday, Ohio State's coach blamed his team's loss to Purdue on the fact the Boilers use Louisville Slugger and his team is locked into a contract with Nike. Two articles below, but here's the quote:

"The ball just jumped off their bats. When you take a look at it, there is something to it. They're using Louisville bats and we aren't," Coach Todd said.

Wondered what other coaches take on the issue was. While we're certainly thrilled someone is complimenting our equipment, we wanted to see what the word from a larger group was. What do you guys think? Is there a performance difference? What do you think about it?

We're just watching responses hoping to gain some understanding of what you think of the bats and how they compare. We appreciate your input. Feel free to message me if you have a Slugger-based question. I'll do my best to get an answer for you.


Jason Falls I work with Louisville Slugger but am here for conversations, not advertising.
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