It is true- it "is" all in the bat! This year my son bought two new composite bats- a louisville slugger and a demarini. At the first batting practice the sound of the louisville bat sounded great- just like a wood bat. After ten at bats of slow toss baseball he was semi satisfied with its performance. He then picked up the demarini and was just anhilating them- hitting way more consistant and had tons more pop. Bat had a much deeper sound- almost as if the demarini was under less stress.
Thinking he had just warmed up and was seeing the ball better he picked up the louisville bat again and hit again- this time he hit better but it just did not carry as far- a noticable difference. After about ten at balls we went to the dugout and that is when I noticed that the louisville bat had cracked completely in half at the start of the sweet spot. I wondered then at what point it cracked and broke and if it had anything to do with the notable difference in ball carry between the two bats.
Anyways, we sent the louisville back and got a replacement fairly fast. The bat now is in good shape- in fact it is as good as new. That is because it is sitting back seet to the demarini. He has played in a few games and has already hit two hr's. I am afraid that the louisville will stay in great all season as it will just be a bat bag warmer if you know what I mean- something to keep the demarini company.
My only wish- I should have bought two demarinis!!!