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Reply to "DIII, ASC & undefeated"

Originally posted by observer44:
No one can ever take a season like that away, playoffs or not.

Beyond that...Can someone please tell me what the NCAA hopes to gain, by making a team wait 4 years for the playoffs? (unless they are dropping down from a higher division).

UT-Tyler previously participated in the NAIA & the United States Collegiate Athletic Association.

There would be some think that any non-athletic scholarship DIII team could not compete on an equal basis with an athletic scholarship DII or NAIA. I would debate this point with anyone. However, the NCAA, in my opinion, believes that a non-athletic scholarship program is at a dis-advantage with a scholarship program. This may be true for many DIII programs, but not all.

My understanding is that a team moving from scholarship to non-scholarship will be placed on a (4) four year probation (post-season in-eligible period) to allow for any team-committed scholarship player to complete their 4 year NCAA playing eligibility without having to relocate to another scholarhip athletic program or lose their scholarship.
This is only fair to the scholarship player.

For any player joining the team while they are in probation, is well aware they can not compete in post season prior to the start of the season's opener. The player & parents can't plead ignorance. They knew the risk when they signed up.
Last edited by Southpaw Pop