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Reply to "Dilemma"

I think we all see where this 'transaction' ran off the rails, but I can't help but admire Ted's candid approach. I would say that the great majority of all of us have paid the thousands of dollars to the local programs in return for what we hope is quality coaching and long-lasting memories for our boys. Let's be honest with ourselves, however. How many times has the organization simply taken our money in exchange for some laundry? How many 10yo Patriot, DBAT, Tiger, [insert other club name here] teams are there out there that are simply wearing the "laundry"? Maybe Ted has a point here. The organizations are in this for one main reason and that's to be profitable. Why can't we as parents have some say in the product that we're buying? I realize that this is not the conventional view when it comes to team sports, but at what point is the line drawn between sports and business? Ted is not necessarily wrong here, but instead took an active approach as a consumer. And as a consumer, he has choices. He can pull his kid and jump to another team, sit tight and ride it out, or complain. Neither of which is really wrong in this situation if you view the parents as consumers. If the organization or team is profiting off of your payment, why are we not allowed a voice or input? Keep in mind though, Ted, while I quietly applaud your approach, Jr. will eventually have to earn his way. But I applaud nonetheless.