TPM, you mention "due diligence" often in this thread. What are parents to do? They attend an organizational meeting, go to a tryout, are told certain things and you suggest that they are the ones at fault for being lied to. You suggest that they are the ones who are at fault for trusting the people running the organization to which they paid a couple of thousand dollars to, and, according to this OP, to play the same teams over and over and not in real events seen by college coaches. You go further to suggest that these are parents of kids who have no talent and so, they should stick to local baseball. How do you know the talent level of these kids?
OK so you say this doesn't happen. Go on and believe that. However, I know it does happen, have coached kids who had it happen to and so, I'll go ahead and tell the truth as I know it. The kids I know had talent and did go on to play in college. I've seen it in both baseball and softball.
I'll go ahead and weigh out on this.. Believe what you want to believe.