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Reply to "Division 1 Baseball"

Size matters in sports. It is an advantage whether you believe it or not. How many "studs" do you know who are 5'9" a buck 40. My guess is not many. Usually they are more likely 6'2" 190ish

From another angle: I've always heard that missing on 6' plus is more easily explained than missing on a guy that is 5' something. Not saying it is right, just seems to be reality of the game

However, this thread has seemed to veer off topic a little. Getting back to OP question. You have time and size on your side (along with being left-handed). Just work hard on strengthen and conditioning. Keep smiling and having fun doing it. If it becomes only a job at your age, chances are your going to quit sooner than later. Keep up your grades and take school serious (academic scholarships are more valuable). Don't worry yourself about the money thing. To think someone can buy their way onto a top D1 program is just not true. Connections do help (real world), but you gotta be able to hold your own. Also don't fool yourself into believing D1 is the only (or best) option. Plenty of good baseball out there if you let yourself see it. Seen various Juco teams over the years be truly legit. There are some guys who use these programs to try and boost there draft status for the Majors. Not to mention a lot of D1 players have transferred from various Juco programs. Hope this helps, just remember to keep up your grades, train hard, and keep a positive attitude!!! (These things will serve you well for years to come)
