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Reply to "Do you really want an answer?"

Originally Posted by justbaseball:

Alright Drew.  This site doesn't hold grudges.  Lets see if we can help you to find it to be useful.  Welcome back.

I am not sure what the original impetus was to start this thread, so I might be off base on your original intent. However the general theme can be looked at from many different perspectives.


I'll start out by saying this site is very helpful to most people, mainly because there are so many knowledgeable and kind people here. I say kind in that they are willing to give their honest opinions/advice typically with the intent of helping the posters who come to the site looking to help their kids. However, just like in every other walk of life, there are those who view things from a negative perspective, assume the worst of others, etc.


So when a new poster arrives looking for advice and extols the virtues of their son, a few here automatically assume they are here for the wrong reasons and descend upon them like vultures. In other cases lets take a poster who gets different advice from certain "old timers" that can be gruff. You know the type, the ones that look to use the stick before the carrot. Sure "tough love" might be needed now and then, but that is for seasoned posters, not newbies. We need to start out on the right foot with them, not pounce on them.


Some new posters are clueless, while others might have more knowledge that some of the "old timers" trying to help them. What I mean by that is that the parent might be a baseball guy(i.e. played, coached, etc.) but is lacking knowledge in a particular area(recruiting, NCAA rules, etc.). They do not come here expecting to be talked to in a condescending way, nor have their motivation questioned by those who may have never thrown a baseball in a real game their entire lives. Then when the newbie rebuffs the negative attitude of certain "old timers", their apologists want to come to their defense.

That is where your quoted comment does not hold water because some do hold grudges. They can actually become stalkers going from post to post to keep stirring up their previous issues with those who did not knuckle under to them. So when we see certain "old timers" who we know fit the aforementioned gruff curmudgeon profile, we cringe because we know how they come across to others, especially the newbies.


Fortunately the overwhelming majority of "old timers" are the good guys, and help to put our communities best foot forward. They not only have the knowledge, but also have a kind/generous/empathetic nature which lends itself to newbies being made to feel at home. As in most cases in life, the good outweighs the bad, and our forum is no different. However the regulars must be willing to speak up when necessary to keep the curmudgeons in line when they are caustic enough to put newbies off.


We must all think back to when we were new here, and try to empathize with what the typical motivation was to seek out a forum like this. If the person came here for the "wrong reason", so what, they will learn to get along, or eventually move along. We do not need certain "old timers" to question their motivations and leave the newbie with a negative impression. Instead lets have the ambassadors of our forum have the first crack at them. We will then have people who will want to stay and hopefully be able to give something back to other newbies down the road.



